
Plan a Holiday Cookie Swap Party

holiday-party-invitationsHave you ever received a holiday party invitation to or considered hosting a cookie swap? Also known as the Cookie Exchange, this is a fun and easy party to host with neighbors, friends or kids. It makes a great excuse to put your newly decorated home to use without spending a whole lot. Plus, you get something in return–dozens of different kinds of cookies you didn’t bake yourself!

Ladies Cookie Exchange

Do it up with the adult ladies version of this party, complete with hors d’oeuvres and adult beverages. Take some cues from a pair of gals who have hosted successful cookie exchanges for nearly 20 years in this great cookie exchange how-to website. A few of their most notable pointers to do this party right include:

  • Adjust the required cookie count accordingly to the number of guests (this group ranges from 12-20 and each is asked to bake and bring 6 dozen cookies)
  • Instruct guests to bake at least 3 days in advance so cookies aren’t too fresh and crumbly
  • Encourage the non-bakers to do their best and come–they’ll benefit the most!
  • Send out extra invitations in anticipation of no shows–it’s a busy time of year

Tips & Ideas:

  • Exempt the hostess from baking in lieu of organizing and hosting the party
  • Include some links to easy cookie recipes in your party invitations for the baking-challenged
  • Ask guests to bring an appetizer, although this can be a lot to ask, especially considering how busy everyone is.
  • Decorate take-home cookie trays or tins. Most swaps seem to rely on guests bringing their own tins, but it’s also a good idea to have extra on hand.

For fun invitations, check out the collection of holiday party invitations on www.looklovesend.com. Invitations are printed on premium paper and turnaround to ship to you the next business day.

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