
Kids or no Kids at the Wedding?

What role do you want children to have at your wedding, if any?  Want to invite kids to the ceremony only and arrange for a sitter during the reception? Want to feature the kids of your closest relatives in a special role on your wedding program?  Want to keep your nuptials an adult-only occasion?  Whatever your choice, it’s best to make all child-related decisions and arrangements early in the wedding planning process to help parents make their own plans.  Here are some tips for handling children (or not) at your wedding.

Be clear when addressing your wedding invitations.  The traditional way to let parents know that their children are invited is to include the childrens’ names on the invitation.  Children over the age of 18 should receive their own invitation, even if they still live at home.

Contact all guests with children before the event.  If you decide against including children, reach out to invited parents to explain your decision.  Be assured that it is perfectly acceptable not to invite children, especially in the event of an evening or very formal wedding.  And if you do plan to include children and arrange childcare services for them, it’s a good idea to let parents know ahead of time so they can adequately prepare their children for the event.

Setup a kid’s room and activities for larger groups.  If you’re including numerous children and your facilities allow it, consider setting up a separate kid’s room with pre-planned activities and childcare.  If you can hire a few experienced babysitters who will occupy the children, their parents will surely be grateful and feel more relaxed themselves.

If budget allows, consider allowing parents to bring along their own babysitter or nanny, especially if it’s a daytime wedding or your guests prefer to leave their kids with someone familiar.  Of course, this is a very generous gesture that no couple is obligated to make.  If you do invite a family’s own babysitter, be sure to seat her with the children and include her in the headcount for an adult meal.

To recognize special children with a role, consider asking them to act as ushers, hand out wedding programs, or pass out favors at your reception.  This is a great way to unite families and to bring a smile to your guests.

Whether you choose to have a child accompany you down the aisle or simply stay home, the decision is entirely yours.  The choice for beautiful high-quality wedding stationery may be an easier one, especially if you consider the growing selection of fresh designs available at LookLoveSend.com.  Shop us for easily customizable unique wedding invites, wedding programs, and wedding thank you cards.


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