
Guessing @ Gifts on the Bachelorette Party Invitation

The engagement party. The bridal shower. The bridesmaid dress. Alterations.Shoes. Complicated undergarmets. Mani-pedi.  Hair and make-up.  Travel and lodging.  The honor of serving as a bridesmaid can give your credit card strip a workout.

So when you receive the bachelorette party invitation, is there an expectation for you to bring a gift? And, if you are planning the party, should you mention gifts on theinvitation?

Recently, this question of specifying gifts on bachelorette party invitations was posted on thebump.com. Most answers came from new moms, most of whom are post-bachlorette and post-wedding. The resounding answer was yes to fun gifts, no to mentioning gifts on the invitation. Most responders concurred that gifts should be optional. Your efforts organizing the party, or simply attending, is gift enough!

On the other hand, depending on the personality and tastes of the bride, gifts for themed bachelorette parties can strengthen the female bonding. Lingerie parties, wine tasting and spa essentials area fewcurrent trends in themed bachelorettes. If you are the party organizer, just keep in mind other costs that some will bear if they are also part of the bridal party.

If the invitation makes no mention of gifts, but you prefer not to come empty-handed, here are some inexpensive ideas:

  • Party gags. These are fun gifts to be used during the festivities (you know… those straws!) Even that notorious blow-up groom can serve as an innocent signature board for willing participants the bride meets along the way.
  • Feminine and frivolous Lingerie is a favorite,especially for brides who would never buyit forthemselves. But if they would also no tbe caught dead wearing any either, then go with a cute pairof pajamas.
  • Useful For a gift with some shelf-life, look fora new travel bag or honeymoon accessory. Check out the modern chic selectionat cindab for some really original bags and specialty accessories.

To order your bachelorette party invitations, check out the selection of fun and original designs available at looklovesend.com .

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